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Our Products

MLN Fruit Juices

MLN range of fruit drinks & juices believes that Mother Nature if personified, will certainly look like a fruit. Hence, like her, all our fruit drinks & fruit juices are fruitful, healthful and joyful.

We take pride with our resolve to use only the highest grade of raw materials backed by the latest production techniques. This way, all your sips, and slurps will be naturally sweet to taste, low in calories and assure Vitamins, Fiber and other nutrients required for your daily wellness.

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Mineral Water

Water - Mother Nature’s elixir of life and one of the five fundamental elements behind all earthly creations. It comprises 70% of our body, much of which is lost through urine and sweat. This explains why medical professional and nutritionists emphasize the need to be hydrated at all times. Water detoxifies our physiological system and promotes various metabolic activities.

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Everybody likes chocolate, right? If yes, then you have surely been told to maintain the health of your teeth. Well, not to worry because our chocolates go by our tagline:

Healthy, Tasty and Fun!

MLN’s range of Fytobact chocolates is specifically made for this! Fytobact Chocolates focuses on creating innovative and wholesome products. Everything we do, we do it with passion and responsibility. We care about our customers.

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